This webinar will include discussion on why precast concrete is the premier building system for parking structures. Precast concrete is a high-performance material that integrates easily with other systems and inherently provides the versatility, efficiency, and resiliency needed to meet the multi-hazard requirements and long-term demands of high-performance structures. This webinar will include a case study on the Chicago O’Hare Airport’s newest parking structure / consolidated car rental facilities, “CONRACs”.
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 12PM Central
Credits: AIA 1.0 HSW/LU or up to 1.0 PDH (only available to day-of attendees)
Learning Objectives:
Learn of the different precast concrete systems, advantages, and construction methods used in parking garages.
Learn about the precast manufacturing processes.
Learn of maintenance guidelines of parking structures.
Learn about access to industry resources available to designers
Joe Lombard – Executive Director, PCI Illinois-Wisconsin
Chuck Gilbert- County Prestress, LLC - Elgin, Illinois