2021 FPCA Education Foundation Fundraising Golf & FPCA Annual Membership Meeting
Thursday, Jan. 28th & Friday, 29th, 2021
Assoc. Reception, Dinner & Meetings - Marriott Lake Mary
1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary, FL 32746 - (407) 995-1100
Michael E. Quinlan Memorial Golf Tourn. - Topgolf Lake Mary
1010 Greenwood Blvd., Lake Mary, FL 32746 - (407) 543-9138
Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2021
11:45 AM - Check-in @ Topgolf Lake Mary: 3rd Annual Michael E. Quinlan Memorial Golf Tourn.
12:00 PM - Topgolf Tournament Style & Lunch
5:00 PM - Associates’ Welcome Reception
6:00 PM - Dinner Buffet, Program & Golf Awards
Friday, Jan. 29th, 2021 (All meetings are Open - Zoom ID & PW: 241 166 8085 - FPCA)
7:15 AM - Plated Breakfast
8:00 AM - FPCA Ed. Foundation Board of Trustees Mtg
8:30 AM - FPCA Board of Directors & Annual Membership Mtg
10:00 AM - Transportation (FDOT Liaison) Committee Mtg
2021 Slate of Nominees
Slate of Officers and Directors below will be voted by all Members present during Friday FPCA’s Board of Directors Meeting. No proxy voting.
President - Mr. Vern Smith, Coreslab Structures (Tampa)
Vice-President - Mr. Lloyd Kennedy, Finfrock Industries
Sec./Treas. - Mr. Robert Guptill, Spancrete
Immediate-Past Pres. - Mr. Kurt Podoll, Standard Concrete Products
Regional Rep on PCI Board of Directors:
Mr. Lenny Salvo, Coreslab Structures (Orlando)
Producer - Mr. Ryan Cartwright, Standard Concrete Products
Producer - Mr. Mark McKeny, Dura-Stress
Producer - Mr. Jamie Grimmelsman, Metromont
Producer - Mr. Tom Newton, Gate Precast Company
Associate - Mr. Andy Wilkerson, Vulcan Materials Co.
Professional - Mr. Chris Ray, CEG
Master Level Sponsorship
Master Level Sponsorship
Master Level Sponsorship
Doctorate Level Sponsorship