Precast Withstands Hurricanes

According to the most recent census, 94.7 million people, or 29.1% of the total US population, live on the coastline in the United States.  And this number is expected to keep increasing in the coming years.  With stronger and more frequent storms, this means that more people are being put in risk by living along the coast during extreme weather events such as hurricanes.  Precast can help protect both occupants and buildings themselves by providing a storm resistance structure that has been proven to stand up to powerful hurricanes.


Protection From Wind

Precast concrete structural systems and architectural panels provide significant benefits in meeting wind-resistance needs. A number of designers and precasters have worked together to create precast concrete building designs across the country that can withstand winds of over 200 mph. These designs not only protect homes and other structures from wind damage but also cut energy costs, are constructed quickly and provide a range of aesthetic designs that can blend with any neighborhood. 

Protection From Storm Surge

Surge is when large amounts of water is pushed ashore by strong hurricane winds and rush up over land and up to buildings. This water usually carries debris and other hazardous items which can slam against buildings and cause damage both inside and out.  If the surge is high enough, it can damage builds at heights they were not designed to withstand such forces.  One example of this is damage that can be done to the stems on double tees, specifically those used to construct parking structures.  Precast can be designed to create a protective shield that prevents large debris from barreling through a structure to mitigate this issue.

Protection From Scour

Long term flooding can result in scour which will loosen soil from the foundation of concrete and cause it to deteriorate or break up and make the building it was supporting become unstable.  Precast concrete can be used for pilings or columns which are secured deep into the ground alleviating this issue and creating a strong foundation which can survive flooding.

The Clearwater Fire Station is a total precast structure which has been designed to withstand a category 5 hurricane. With 411 precast components used to construct the 10,000 SF facility, the owner and occupants can rest assured that the building will be able to protect those inside even during an extreme storm.

Additional Resources

Check out our other blogs which go into detail with how precast can be used to withstand hurricanes in Florida.

Designing For Florida Weather

Precast Storm Shelters
